[Title]C152 Checklist
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Checklist and information for N95646 a C152 rented out by Blue Ridge Flight Center.

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
  1. Cockpit check
    1. aircraft documents - complete & current
    2. 100 hour inspection - verify
    3. squawk sheet - check
    4. ignition - off
    5. master switch - on
    6. fuel quantity - check
    7. flaps - down
    8. master switch - off
    9. trim tab - takeoff
    10. control lock - remove
    11. night requirements (flashlight, lights as required, fuses)

  2. Exterior Inspection
    1. fuel sump - drain (color, water, bubbles, particulates)
    2. left side of fuselage - check
    3. empennage - check
    4. tail tie down - remove
    5. right side of fuselage - check
    6. right flap and aileron - check
    7. right wing - check
    8. wing tie down - remove
    9. fuel sump - drain (color, water, bubbles, particulates)
    10. tire, brake - check
    11. fuel quantity (top of wing) - visually check
    12. oil level - check (5qt. min)
    13. gas strainer - drain (color, water, bubbles, particulates)
    14. cowling/prop assembly - check
    15. nose wheel assembly - check
    16. static port - check
    17. fuel quantity (top of wing) - visually check
    18. wing tie down - remove
    19. pitot/vent/stall slot - check
    20. left wint - check
    21. left flap and aileron - check
    22. tire, brake - check
    23. general inspection - WALK AROUND

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
Before Engine Start
  1. Seat & seat belts adjusted and locked
  2. fuel valve check on
  3. radios and electrical equipment off
  4. circuit breakers check in
  5. flight controls free and correct

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
Engine Start
  1. rotating beacon on
  2. mixture rich
  3. carb heat cold
  4. prime if required
  5. throttle open 1/4 inch
  6. toe brakes hold
  7. master switch on
  8. prop area clear (visually look and call clear)
  9. ignition start
  10. adjust throttle for 1,000 rpm
  11. oil pressure check
  12. alternator check

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
After Start
  1. flaps up
  2. lights as required
  3. avionics master on - transponder on standby
  4. ATIS copied
  5. cabin doors locked
  6. area clear
  7. check brakes (right-left) when starting taxi

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
Engine Runup
  1. nose wheel straight (face wind above 8kts)
  2. flight controls free and correct
  3. fuel valve check on
  4. mixture rich
  5. carb heat cold
  6. brakes on
  7. throttle to 1.700 rpm
    1. mag check left/right; 125 rpm max drop; 50 rpm max difference between left and right
    2. carb heat on; rpm drop
    3. mixture control check
    4. suction/oil pressure and temperature check
    5. flight intruments set
    6. retard throttle to check idle
    7. carb heat off; rpm increase
    8. increase throttle to 1,000 rpm

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
Before Takeoff
  1. flaps as required
  2. trim set for takeoff
  3. carb heat cold
  4. mixture as required
  5. doors and windows closed and locked
  6. radios
  7. transponder - sqwak 1200, ALT
  8. time set

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
For climb: throttle full open/airspeed 70-80 KIAS

For cruise: power no more than 75% (2300-2500 rpm)

mixture set above 3000 ft

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
Descent to Landing
  1. mixture full Rich
  2. carb heat as required
  3. lights as required

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
After Landing
(when clear of runway)
  1. flaps up
  2. carb heat cold
  3. transponder to standby
  4. lights as required

Preflight | Before Engine Start | Engine Start | After Start | Engine Runup | Before Takeoff
Climb/Cruise | Descent to Landing | After Landing | Shutdown
  1. avionics master off
  2. throttle to 1,000 rpm
  3. mixture idle cutoff
  4. ignition/mags off
  5. electrical switches/master off (beacon stays on)
  6. control lock installed
  7. close flight plan
  8. (tie down/chock plane)